Between SQLite and MySQLite ?
1. Easy to set up and in many cases no configuration or installation is necessary.
1. Easy to set up and in many cases no configuration or installation is necessary.
2. Great for rapid development.
3. Suitable for using in embedded applications and installations and
embedding into applications themselves.
4. Not
good for large scale databases as SQLite stores the database in a single file and
this can fall under the restrictions of the operating system where SQLite
is not capable of splitting the data across volumes.
5. Not suitable for use in any situation where a Client/Server
Architecture is needed.
6. Great for rapid development
MySQLite :
1. More difficult to set up and configuration of users is a must.
2. Good for creating temporary databases as well as
for test purposes. This would only be practical if you have the MySQL
database server and client already set up.
3. Great for rapid development in some situations.
4. Perfect for
concurrency transactions on the data and is well suited for multi-user
5. Great for large
scale production applications which scale even over clustered database
6. Perfect for using
in a Client/Server Architecture set up.
Difference Between Content-Provider and SQLite ?
SQLite database created on Android by one application is usable only by that application, not by other applications.
Content Provider Share
data beteen applications, you need to use it as recommended in Android
Difference Between Shared Preferences and SQLite ?
Shared Preferences:
1 . Shared Preference is Lightweight, Quick and easy to use
and Easy to debug .
2 . Slow when dealing with lots of data
3. Not helpful when the data is more than a simple key/value
4. Entire file needs to be read and parsed to access
SQLite :
1. Scales nicely , Changes don't require rewriting the entire data
file from scratch and
Powerful queries
2. More code to write.